Thursday, November 29, 2007
The Fall of Single Feather...

Had a lot of fun with Leon yesterday. Lol.

I cant seem to post the pictures on the sports chanbara thing. *sigh* If you need to know what it is, go to the link at the panel...

I have no idea what to say now, other than the fact that Physics homework is overwhelming. I should post tomorrow. Am going to the Chuang Yi bazaar.


Later... "Hard and Fast"

Taken by one of the magicians::

Wednesday, November 21, 2007
The Fall of Single Feather...

Right... I'm lazy, I know.

I'll talk about a few articles which I have read these few days. Pretty interesting.

The first one is actually an advertisment, which started with the line, "Don't suck, just blow."

Its normal for someone to have perverted thoughts when someone found that line. If that person knows what we are talking about, of course. But, the next paragraphs had this sentence,"Now now, I'm not talking about anything that would make my granny go red."

Its actually talking about a machine which measures the alcoholic level in your breath, or booze-level, as stated in the advertisement. Wierd. lol.

Then again, the main purpose of an advertisment is to attract attention in a way that people will remember it. See how well its working. It was an advertisment on last week's newspaper. >_>

Yea, I'm lazy to post about it.

The second one, is about this island, call... Isle de.... "insert island name"(I forgot.) Its an island for *coughpervertedcough* people. Its actually an island with *coughprostitutescough*. Basically, people can go there, play golf with these ladies, and... whatever. Its a resort, or a "red-lighted" district of a higher-level, or different kind.

The wife of the boss of the island, actually goes around to find workers, who gladly except the work, since... they got better stay and food.


Also, I'm posting the link to my story... thought I should. Reviews would help anyway... *Glares at Leon*

Philsophy of the Betrayed


Taken by one of the magicians::

Tuesday, November 13, 2007
The Fall of Single Feather...

Came home an hour ago. Pretty tired. I'm kind of busy these few days.

I went to Orchid Country Club today. There was some SEP thing, a programme on sports for schools or something like that. Bro was there to man the booth, and I was there to help. It was pretty funny.

My sister's kickboxing instructor was also there. Quite funny. Hes a friendly guy, huge and stuff. So we talked a little about the kickboxing stuff. My sister was on the main poster, lol. Its like the most upfront one. Dam funny la. She always practice at the corner of the court, cause shes the smallest. XD Hence she was at most upfront postition.

There were a few sports that caught my attention too. Kayaking, frisbee, Tchoukball. It was the same group which came to Maris Stella for the preview thing(Tchoukball). So you can say that I know quite some people there...

There was a Taiji group beside our booth. The auntie there is very friendly, lol. Quite zai also. Some champion one.

Quite a number of people came, but the timings were pretty irregular. So one minute I'm sleeping, the other, I'm just standing around. In the end, we took the weapons and played around a little. Since the people who came to see the booths are mostly teachers, most of them are quite friendly.

OBS also had a booth there.

If I can get some pictures from Parry, I'll post it up here bah.


Taken by one of the magicians::

Saturday, November 10, 2007
The Fall of Single Feather...

Technically, I did not posted yesterday, but a mere 45min difference, just give me a break.


Dad's asleep, so I'm posting now...

Other than the fact that I went over to Wei Long's place for KH, I played my sister's DS today.

Full Metal Alchemist: Dual Symphony.

A pretty wierd game. >_> Wierd gameplay, pretty easy. But its cool, since I am a FMA fan.

Wario Ware Touched. Just a game with a bunch of cool but wierd mini games. The games are sorted out into chars. There was one where you only allowed to use the mic. So you basically blow into it. But, different mini games have different goals, of course. Difficulty difference too. But its funny, anyway.


Pokemon Dash. I have no idea why my bro-in-law got that game.


Seriously man.

Yoh on toilet. It looks wierd, but its very useful. Heals your life so as long as you remain standing. For some reason, it doesnt work everytime though...


Taken by one of the magicians::

Thursday, November 08, 2007
The Fall of Single Feather...

Lets see... I just received new red patches on my arm... Nothing too interesting. Some of them which my sister just added on.


My brother decided to fight with me after my run earlier... So I was panting and sweating, when he picked up the short sword, and asked me to take one. Obviously, he was trying to show me what he learned in Japan... lol.

Yup. He did learn somethings. I stress the letter, somethingS.

He had thing wierd faking thing... Pushing his arm back and forward again and again... He hit me with it once... But compared the number of times he used it, which was about 10s? Its not a very good sign. *sigh*

Luckily... The patches are pretty light... Probably cleared a hour later. I just wanted to start with that line. =P

Nothing much happened today. Since it was public holiday, the caterer did not serve anything... So my mother cooked! YESH! FINALLY! ITS MONTHS I HAD HER COOKING!

My stories are coming along pretty well too. This holidays might not be going so bad after all.

Nothing much to say.

I keep my friends close, and enemy closer...Credits: Shaman King. Tao Ren.

Taken by one of the magicians::

Wednesday, November 07, 2007
The Fall of Single Feather...

I wanted to post yesterday... But Blogger just did not allowed me to post pictures...

If you watched Shaman King, you'll probably know this... Totem Cannon... In preparation mode.

Heres the real thing.

Am disturbed by the zombie who looked horribly like a panda... with useless attempts in trying to squish me... Hm...

Got a Tifa potion! Canned thingy. But its cool! XD

For some reason, the comics arent coming out...

Schools out. I may post everyday... Once again, I stress the word. MAY

I am getting a lot of quotes recently... So I decided to post a weekly quote thing. Heres the one for the week.
I would've kiled you. And I won't hold back.Credits: Saiyuki Reload. Sanzo.


Taken by one of the magicians::

Friday, November 02, 2007
The Fall of Single Feather...

Right... I said I'll post today, I'll post today. Hmph.

TEAM FORTRESS 2 ROCKS! <------ for Leon. LOL

It doesnt really matter. I suck at it anyway. After several tries of attempts at his super sensitive mouse, I finally learned how to use it... Though my skill for using it compared to his completely different... Lets not talk about gaming skills... I totally suck at TF2... lol. Nevertheless, its nice trying to dodge shiny things...(rockets), and watching ppl blow themselves up and down and we heal them... just for the sake of points... haha.

Leon has a name in TF2... I have destroyed it in a hour. XD

Today's school was boring as usual. The others arent really good at worms, so I guess you can say its the only thing that I can win Leon in... for now. Through my guidance, they have killed two of my worms in the first turn... Doesnt matter... I won against them anyway. They cannot hit my other worms... They were protected by the giant cactus. AND GOOD BLESS CONCRETE DONKEY!

Concrete Donkey

I just came back from Plaza Sing.. Went there alone to get something for Liu Ting... Its her birthday. Ended up buying something pretty cool. I shared with Jolin though. Its far too expensive.

My parents came home yesterday. They were overseas. Dad bought me another sling bag... Another Adidas... I may take a picture of it and upload... Too lazy now... Sleepy too...

You see that shiny thing? Dodge it.


Taken by one of the magicians::