Thursday, September 29, 2011
The Fall of Single Feather...

I suppose

That things become less stressful when you have lesser expectations. But when you have lesser expectations, you have less quality.

However, over the period of this holiday, I realise that this is not true. Expecting less does not necessarily equate to a worse standard. Sometimes, without the stress element, people can produce better results.

The program might not be as creative, but it could be much more effective. And sometimes, you simply have to trust. Believe, but not blindly. Give them space, show them confidence and offer some help. Don't just push impossible expectations on them. Lower it, and help them achieve the target as well.

Its best to work with the skills and capabilities of your team and push them to improve their abilities on the way.

With Regards,

Taken by one of the magicians::

Friday, September 16, 2011
The Fall of Single Feather...

Meeting Ups

The more I meet up with my friends, the older I realise I've become. In the past I only met friends for playing games. Now, maybe for just talking.

It gets really bizarre. I feel like an old man. Meeting up for dinner, drinking, no specific reason. Its really creepy.

Even more when I bring a bottle of wine out of home. I can do it legally now. Wtf?

With Regards,

Taken by one of the magicians::

Tuesday, September 13, 2011
The Fall of Single Feather...

It's just a personal opinion,

But I think insults and lowering someone's self esteem for the sake of their development, is severely underlooked.

Its true that people feel more motivated to learn if they are complimented, but the people who find success are those who have been through some hard times. If someone is used to going through difficult issues and plows his way through them, won't it be better?

By teaching with lots of motivation and love, would it actually be derimental to them in the future?

Tough love works. It has to fulfill several conditions to work at times, but it does work. The insults and violent projections does not make you crazy too. At least I'm not that crazy. And I've seen people who've been through worse but is still one of the nicest people I've ever seen.

But why do people only promote classical conditioning as a strategy? Because its scientifically proven? Or maybe its that it feels better to be complimented. Even though it feels the best to succeed at the end.

With Regards,

Taken by one of the magicians::

Sunday, September 11, 2011
The Fall of Single Feather...

As Children

Are born, they begin learning many things at an extremely extensive rate. Some of this things fostered by the stimuli from their environment, and others taught purposefully by adults.

For instance, parents teach children how to use language. Saying specific words or sentences for their children to pick up and use. Words like "ma-mum" (eating/food) and This is sparta!"

There can be 2 reasons why an adult would teach children something.

1) For the child. To improve their development, or perhaps to test and understand their current developmental stage.

2) For themselves. A.K.A their amusement.

It really pisses me off since the reason most of times falls under number 2. Even though the child do benefit developmentally after all, the attitude of the adults can be pretty sickening. Teaching them something that simply amuses others as if they were some form of a toy.

That being said, you should totally ask a child, if you do have one, to attempt and pronounce the word, "firetruck". To test the physical abilites and stage of the coordination of their tongue muscles. Especially if they just started to use words.

With Regards,

Taken by one of the magicians::

Tuesday, September 06, 2011
The Fall of Single Feather...

So I say,

I've been busy. Its true. I just a Nintendo 3DS. And its awesome.

With Regards,

Taken by one of the magicians::