Monday, August 30, 2010
The Fall of Single Feather...


I am playing Hotel Carlifornia. Can't seem to stop somehow.

So I was at the playground the other day, building this really huge sandcastles when a few kids came over to play.

Started to talk about random children shows, sand mountain building, tortise, and of course, the child themselves. It was still pretty awesome how the kids can actually come over and just play with us like that.

Then again, its not like I can't. I suppose I do look friendly enough.

Playing with them seem to remind me how much I actually do miss playing with children. Or simply just hanging out with them, doing nothing particularly serious.


Taken by one of the magicians::

Saturday, August 28, 2010
The Fall of Single Feather...


I'm playing for Hotel Carlifornia for like 12 times. Right now, the song still sounds pretty fresh. Trust me. I'm going to continue this song on loop for the rest of the day. Or until the battery of my laptop dies.

It's awesome.


Taken by one of the magicians::

Monday, August 23, 2010
The Fall of Single Feather...


The Awesomeness of this is over 9000!

MvC3 Trailer

MvC3 Gameplay


P.S. I just had to make the over 9000 joke.

Taken by one of the magicians::

Thursday, August 19, 2010
The Fall of Single Feather...

So what.

I'm a child. Get off my back.


I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.
I'm a child. I'm a child.

I'm still a child now.


Taken by one of the magicians::

Monday, August 16, 2010
The Fall of Single Feather...

This day was pretty simple. In fact, its so simple that I have nothing much to type. Get it? Nothing?


As in, yea. I did nothing.

How awesome is that?



Taken by one of the magicians::

Friday, August 13, 2010
The Fall of Single Feather...


A while back, I said that I would stopped posting vids and lyrics on songs.

But honestly, this one is too awesome.


Taken by one of the magicians::

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
The Fall of Single Feather...


And It is true.

I was bored. So I started to read my old blog posts. Placed my mouse point randomly across the dates and clicked. Reading them did made me realise several things.

I am seriously dam egoistic. Haha. Of course, I'm not saying that I've changed much, but honestly? I like myself this way. Someone once said that I am egoistic, but humble, which didn't really make much sense.


Anothing point is that my English was really better then. I could describe some situations better. It conveyed more of my... feelings I suppose?

Third point is that my life was pretty much revolved around 3 things, namely Games, School and Friends.

I never had much responsibility. Right now, that life sounds pretty awesome. It would be complete if I could change the academics to Early Childhood Education. Studying ECH with the guys would be pretty amusing.

And It's all true.


I'm seriously getting old aren't I?


Taken by one of the magicians::

Sunday, August 08, 2010
The Fall of Single Feather...


There are many types of movies.

Many ways of classifications.

By their genre, if its an adaptation, remake, or an original. If it's 3D or not. The number of hot girls, and of course, if its a chick flick.

Chick flick. The sheer thought of it sounds pretty scary.

It reminds of me Twilight and Fear.

However, with the existance of chick flicks, there has to be an answer to male audiences right? Right?

The answer is right.

The answer is Sucker Punch. (Sucker Punch Trailer)

It's too troublesome to explain the sheer awesomeness of it, besides the obvious hot girls, dragons, sci fic soldiers, guns and a fricking samurai troll holding a minigun. Just go watch it.

If you can't appreciate the rest, at least admire the hot girls.

Thank you Zack Synder, for fliming a revolutionary 300 and Sucker Punch.

It has to be awesome.


Taken by one of the magicians::

Friday, August 06, 2010
The Fall of Single Feather...


Today's the National Day Celebration in Primary, Secondary School and Junior Colleges(?). The only celebration we had over here is to play a couple of youtube songs from youtube.

It's kind of sad really.

Especially since they didn't play Hossan Leong's We Live in Singapura.

I'm pretty surprised that the people I asked actually didnt know the existance of this song.

I've noticed that I posted this same exact link on the ninth of August Last year. I've also noticed that my posts has gotten considerably shorter. Not that I've nothing to talk about, more like I have lesser things I want to talk about.

It's true.


Taken by one of the magicians::

Tuesday, August 03, 2010
The Fall of Single Feather...


Guys, I'm fucking sick of this. I'm almost 20 and haven't been able to score a better job than a fucking cook at a local fast food joint. What makes it worse is that I live in a small town so business is pretty limited, and where I work is the only place that'll hire high school graduates. I'd get the hell out of this town if I could actually drive too, but I've failed every damn test I've ever taken. I'm socially awkward, even my only other co-worker fucking hates my guts. I have repressed lust for one of my best friends too; she's athletic, smart and a gorgeous southern bell. I love her. You know what it's like; I've been friend zoned real hard. She's my only real friend, besides this one kid, who I'm pretty sure is only hanging around me because he is mentally challenged. I guess he's the only one that can tolerate me. And what makes this all fucking worse is that I live in a fucking pineapple under the sea.


Reposted from Leon's blog.


Taken by one of the magicians::