I don't really feel like posting. The computer is way too fucked up.
Seriously irritating.
Not like I have anything much to post about anyway.
There will be a Sports Chanbara course at Springfield Secondary next week, on Tuesday. From my Parry, the secretary of our club said, the TKD club of MSHS will also be there.
That'll be cool.
I'm not even sure if I can make it. But if I can, it'll be very cool. If I'm there, I'm going to pretend that I am 11 years old!
Taken by one of the magicians::
I'm getting pissed off again these few days. Internet problems, Computer problems, music problems, air-condition problems, and even refrigerator problems.
I got a new fridge, so thats one down.
Computer problems still take a while, and the music, internet problems should go away with it.
Now, I cannot access to some sites like forums and blogs. I can't even see my tagboard.
Taken by one of the magicians::
A negative, overwhelming emotion that literally confuses our mind. It disrupts our thinking, forcing us to make wrong judgments and solutions to our problems.
At times, it makes us take a very subjective view of things.
It also comes in many different ways. Sometimes showing itself as cockroaches, bugs, ghosts, zombies(to some people), vampires, teachers, PMSing woman, and even, kids.
Scary things comes in different ways and in the most unsuspecting packages.
Anyone would freak out if a baby pisses on your shoulder.
However, fear also come in the way of time. For example, the countdown of O level examinations, or the time period in the wait for your turn in the Oral examinations. That is a very, scary thing.
Even though our teacher said that we have to use our papers to communicate with the O level markers rather than speech. I would totally prefer using words and alphabets. I can't stand the pressure of talking to another teacher. If, by any chance you pisses them off, it would be a great game for you.
I am currently threatened by one of these fears. I'm not telling you what it is, cause its personal in a way.
That gives you a clue doesn't it?
Its a fear that I can never avoid, nor face it entirely, but one thing for sure, it will happen, and it will happen soon. Really soon.
I can only hope I am ready to face it.
And er, its not about O levels, just in case you're wondering.
I'm not a fat panda, I'm THE fat panda.
Taken by one of the magicians::
When I wanted to blog, I realised that I haven't make my signature yet. So I went on making one. This time, it isn't a banner. Its an avatar instead.

The whole of purpose of this, other than making a new avatar, is to try out a feature in the Adobe. Called "Stroke" or something. Its actually outlining of the picture. After that, I removed the stuff in the outline, and dragged it out so that it becomes something like this. It ended up not so clear though.
Still, it was somewhat cool, since it took me only fifty minutes to finish this one.
Thanks for killing my high, man.
Taken by one of the magicians::
Taken by one of the magicians::
Just had my dinner and a Moo Sandwich.
School today was pretty much the usual boring stuff. My face was like, [=_=] for the whole the morning, until Mr. Wong, my Social studies took over the lesson.
He woke me up with a joke on birdies.
I don't have anything much to do on the comp, so I'm posting now.
I need to complete the World ends with you soon so that I can actually start with actual revision. Or rather, just simple practice stuff here and there. It seems like its going to be a tough week though.
Apparently, school will end only at 5pm everyday.
Taken by one of the magicians::
Dead Tired.
Dead Tired.
Woke up at seven this morning. Left at seven-fifteen.
Took MRT all the way to Khatib station.
Demonstration wasn't all that bad. Had a decent fight, and the performance on stage was really nothing. We just had to assign duties when we were there, and banzai, the performance was on.
Nothing much to talk about.
There was a kid who seems to be interested in Martial Arts though. He learnt pretty quick, easily absorbing the basics of the various techniques for his age. He wanted to take an Akido class, but he was the only one that signed up, so the class never happened.
Hopefully that won't happen.
Next month, there'll be another demonstration at some shopping centre.
"What scares you?"
"Clown, Barney and Michael Jackson!"
Taken by one of the magicians::
*insert curses here*
Wah lao... Need to wake up early tomorrow again...
Demonstration tomorrow starts at 8:45am, so we're meeting at 8:15am...
Its going to be at Nee Soon CC, which is near Khatib MRT. That means I wake up early man... Can't you just let me off? Its the frigging last day of holiday tomorrow!
I managed to find the player.
But, for some reason, it isn't working.
Ain't gonna talk much today. I need to play as much as I can before going off to bed.
"You wanna know how fast its going to take for me to beat you?
299 792 458 m/s!"
"Wow! Light speed?"
Taken by one of the magicians::
I've been playing a lot of "The World Ends with You."
The Animal Song - Savage Garden
When superstars and cannonballs are running through your head
the television freak show cops and robbers everywhere
Subway makes me nervous, people pushing me too far
I've got to break away
So take my hand now
Cause I want to live like animals
Careless and free like animals
I want to live
I want to run through the jungle
the wind in my hair and the sand at my feet
I've been having difficulties keeping to myself
Feelings and emotions better left up on the shelf
Animals and children tell the truth, they never lie
Which one is more human
There's a thought, now you decide
Compassion in the jungle
Compassion in your hands
Would you like to make a run for it
Would you like to take my hand
Cause I want to live like animals
Careless and free like animals
I want to live
I want to run through the jungle
the wind in my hair and the sand at my feet
Sometimes this life can get you down
It's so confusing
There's so many rules to follow
And I feel it
'Cause I just run away in my mind
When Superstars and cannonballs are running through your head
Television freak show cops and robbers everywhere
Animals and children tell the truth, they never lie
Which one is more human
There's a thought, now you decide
Compassion in the jungle
Compassion in your hands
Would you like to make a run for it
Would you like to take my hand
Cause I want to live like animals
Careless and free like animals
I want to live
I want to run through the jungle
With the wind in my hair and the sand at my feet (repeat X2)
I wanted to add the player, but it got too frigging laggy until I was so darn pissed.
Taken by one of the magicians::
A Good toe.
That may seem unsignificantly important, but I'm telling you, it is. It affects my mood of the day.
Back home again. Oh, dear god, how much I have missed my bolster. I doubt anyone would really understand though.
So far, I've done up some things for Physics. Two Physics paper done, and two Maths papers...
Almost two maths papers...
RGS was relatively difficult, especially when I did it without studying beforehand at all. Judging from what I know though, my only problem falls under the electricity topic, while my cousin has no problem with only that topic. She says that its all common sense.
From the person whom those words come out from, makes me feel reeeaaaalllyy stupid.
I also finished the MCQ section of a 1998 Physics paper. Apparently, I got 33/38, taking out two questions which out of the syallabus.
I was like, O_o.
Then again, its a 1998 paper. Not 2008. Thats a 10 years difference. And that means a lot.
“Laugh and the world laughs with you, Harley.” He whispered.
Taken by one of the magicians::
Feels violated.
I would like to keep the reason to myself anyway. Not that it concerns ALL of you there. Its just... secret.
I'm trying to do up the outline of a story thing, seeing that I don't really have anything much that I can do here.
Anyway, today I would like to talk about something known as... "Obsession".
I'm sure most of you are very familiar with this particular word, seeing how our dear Mr. Kwok talks about it every now and then due to a certain Archer that used to be in our school.
However, due to a certain accident, I've come to realise, or rather, it was brought to my notice, that the word, "Obsession" doesn't have to be used as a word that replaces or represents the depth of passion on something.
For instance, in the case of Nicholas, the archer, it would naturally be obsession in archery. Another example, would be what most known as Otaku, which is a person who is too into anime, or manga, or something along those words.
When I mean into, I mean INTO.
Just so that you know what I mean.
Anyway, I have just come to realise, that it can also be used on something that has no particular meaning, like a brand of clothing.
Or, in this case, on LEVI'S..
A little inside joke that almost none of you would probably understand. I can only say that "Obsession" in something drives people to do really crazy things.
Freaks me out sometimes.
"I never cared about justice, and I don't ever recall calling myself a hero... I have always only fought for the people that I believe in. I won't hesitate... If an enemy appears before me, I will destroy it! - Zero(Megaman Zero)
Taken by one of the magicians::
Toe aches.
I think there's something wrong in the joint connecting my big toe and my feet or something.
I've always been wondering, you know. Before our generation, we only accept heterosexuals. By the time our generation comes, homosexuals, bisexuals are getting more and more recognized in our world. Now these kind of things appears to be more normal to us than our parents, who would just see it as, disgusting and just,
What would happen when the next generation comes? What would be recognized as something normal, to them, which would be weird to us?
Looks like we just got our answer.
This is an article on the future, where cases of robots are your lovers or sex partners. It's pretty long, but its interesting. At least read a little before going on.
Yahoo! News.
Robots as your sex partner or lover.
1)Cold metal that feels warm and soft.
2)A girlfriend that will watch soccer with you.
3)A boyfriend that will go all out with you in your shopping sprees.
4)A partner that will never ever disagree with you.
5)A partner that is just DAM GOOD LOOKING.
6)A robot that will *inserts RA stuff here*
7)A robot that will *inserts yet MORE RA stuff here*
8)A partner with the PERFECT circumferences.
Personally, its starting to freak me out already.
Go figure.
Taken by one of the magicians::
More Aches.
Especially my toe. I wonder if I broke my toe or something. But then again, I can move it around fine. Maybe it just breaking up.
Woke up at 7 in the morning to get to Lakeside MRT on time for an Open House, or demostration in Jurong Spring CC(or rather, Jurong something). If you have no idea where it is, that wouldn't be weird. Reason is, it is all the way at the end of the EW line, just before Boon Lay MRT station, or, just after Chinese Garden MRT station.
For a better understanding, its damn far.
Really, really far.
Really, really, really far.
I would continue, but I'm sure you get the idea.
I arrived at Lakeside MRT at 8:22am. Left at 8:38, for breakfast. By the time I reached Jurong Spring CC, there was already a huge crowd over there.
It appears that there is some kind of a fair or event there.
Anyway, after meeting the IC there, we went to the Dance Studio to get ready. However, it was at the 4th floor. Instead, Parry and I went to first floor and gave a little demostration.
Ended up fighting with kids of all ages. Ranging from 2yrs old - 8yrs old.
In fact, my first opponent, was the 2yr old kid. Very most 2 years. Only a toddler, can't really talk. Kids starting pouring in soon after that.
Oh God, am I tired.
My brother in law was quite happy though. It was a long time since he fought with kids. The last time he did was against Japanese kids in my sensei's dojo at Japan.
According to him, when he tried to dodge their attacks, he jumped over them. JUMPED over them.
Ahhh! It's the Wu Xi Finger Hold!
Taken by one of the magicians::
All over on the right side of my body. I could feel the muscles on my thighs screaming, forearm crying, and even as I type, my wrist is crying with agony.
All of this was earned from the Furious Five of Takushinkan Singapore.
Today was the grading, or in layman terms, a test, for my combat sports. Several incidents happened, but I was labelled as Po, much to my happiness. For I am the DRAGON WARRIOR!
I'm somehat happy that I didn't take my Kihon test. I performed pretty badly for that today.
As for fighting, I failed my short sword black belt level. It was just hard fighting against adults man. I wasn't even counting my wins by then, but I could feel how well I did. Well, in a way.
To pass my black belt level, I need to win 5 out of 8 matches.
I managed to pass my long sword though. I lost in my first two matches, but I won straight five matches after that.
In fact, when I managed to hit the leg of one of the Furious Five, my brother in law was like, "I'm impressed." I was impressed too.
Something pretty funny and tragic happened after that though.
If I got the photos, I'll try to upload it.
"I did great? I did AWESOME!" Credits - Kung Fu Panda
Taken by one of the magicians::
Home sweet home.
God, how much I have missed my bolster. I can't exactly say the same for my computer though.
My cousin's computer is about 4 times faster than mine.
Four times. That says something, doesn't it?
Anyway, I just received some of my Savage Garden songs, so I'm pretty busy.
Taken by one of the magicians::
I don't really feel like doing anything. I've played more of ZX, trying to unlock these special dolls thingy by defeating the bosses with a Lvl 4 victory. In order to achieve that, I cannot hit the weakness of the boss, which is ironically, the biggest part of the boss' body.
I've managed to unlock two of dolls so far. The third one is really small, and the head , which is the weakness of the boss, practically covers his body.
I'm entering a whiny mood these few days. Not really my fault. It's my cousin's.
I'm starting to miss some people.
These few days, just for the sake of entertaining myself, I have to crack really lame and really stupid jokes. I know I do that all the time, but, this time, it is REALLY lame.
The jokes were so cold, they weren't that funny anymore.
Taken by one of the magicians::
I've been reading a new comic series recently. It's known as To Love Ru.
Yes, its a shoujo comic, or, in English terms, girl comics. It saw it first in Kino, and I realised that the girl on the cover of the book looking very similar to one my favourite characters, Eve, from Black Cat.
Yes, its the same author as the one who drew Black Cat. Thus, I starting reading it.
It's somewhat ecchi, or perverted.
But its nice!
I managed to do A FEW questions in A maths. And revised Chemistry indirectly.
Its going pretty bad. Damn. I just can't seem to study.
I feel like writing something though. Been a while since I wrote something from scratch. Hopefully, I can finish the last chapter of one story, but its somewhat stressful...
Taken by one of the magicians::
I feel like I'm in some sort of a study camp at my cousin's house. Well, its not like I'm deprived of games or computer or anything, but I just feel that way.
Doesn't explain too much does it?
Woke up dam early today and left for AMK MRT, followed by breakfast and then the library. Managed to do some E maths and A maths work.
Unlike Leon, I didn't managed to finish the Anglican High Paper though. Much too lazy.
Since I was finally in the library, I managed to borrow some graphic novels. I tried to look for Marvel Zombies, but its only found in the Bishan Community library, and its currently on Loan. Not that I can do anything about it.
Tmr's gonna be another tiring day.
Feels kinda sad, doesn't it?
Taken by one of the magicians::
I'm going to wake up pretty early tomorrow, so I'm going to make it short.
I can't say that this is one of the coolest day I've ever had, but I can say that its a pretty sad day. Maybe I shouldn't let myself get bullied too much.
Prince Caspian wasn't the best, and I got problems getting used to the English accent that they were speaking with. The show only served to prove to me that Prince Caspian isn't hot at all. My image of him worsen after watching the movie.
However, there was one last thing which made me happy.
Even though is was somewhat censored; everything was shown in black, yellow and white, it was very cool.
I played Ninja Gaiden II.
Taken by one of the magicians::
Still playing Megaman ZX, slowly working my way through the bosses. Cleared another one, so thats two down.
Six more to go.
I'll be leaving for my cousin's place soon, and I may be home pretty late tomorrow, so I may not be able to blog.
My cousin's computer is going haywire, meaning I may not have to chance to come online, or even blog, for that matter. So if I disappear for a few days, I'm sure all of you would understand, right?
Today was like any other Sunday; work with my parents.
Two of my other cousins, Da qiang and xiao qiang gor gor went to work today too. We were talking about food and Anthony Bourdain in general, when Da Qiang Gor Gor came up with a pretty cool line.
Good food is bad food. Bad food, is Very good food.
For those of you who don't understand, I'll elaborate this a little. In both sentences, the terms "Good" and "Bad", refers to how healthy the food is. The latter part of the sentence refers to the taste, obviously. Sadly, but this line is true to a certain extent.
After all, what is Char Kway Teow without the blood from the cockles?
What is sausage, without all the minced intestines, eyeballs and all kind of fat into it?
What is the "One dollar" ice cream?
This line can be further proven by the food critic, Anthony Bourdain. He always appears bored and sad when eating in a restaurant, but goes all
when he eats in the hawker centre, or the market.
As for that, I perfectly understand.
Taken by one of the magicians::
Megaman ZX.
I seem to be playing a lot of games recently. lol. Its nice playing Megaman again. Megaman X was one of the first games that I have played. Also one of the first that I have completed. However, I can't get used to the buttons on the DS. Normally, I would use the keyboard to play the game.
I can't get used to it.
Though its getting better now, its proving to be a problem. I need some help in playing the game. Its not as easy as it looks. For me at least.
In the first few stages, the main character uses something like a gun. Imagine a blue guy, with an arm, that can change into a cylinder, with shoots out yellow energy beams.
Its a somewhat decent weapon, but I prefer the sword.
Then again, sword, guns, spears, all of this are merely tools. The one who uses the weapons, or rather, the humans, in this case are the real weapons. Swords, guns, shields, whatsoever, are just tools that we use to accomplish our means. Tools that can help us to complete what we want which in most of these cases, kill someone, or injure he/she badly.
The human, on the other hand, thinks of the objective, and carries it out, no matter what kind of tools it has. If he/she has a sword, they will use it to slice someone's head. If he/she has a bat, they will use it to break their skull. The humans are the ones who ultimately carry out the objective, not the tools itself.
Better yet, the person who manipulate the humans to do their bidding is the real weapon. Those under his command are just tools to accomplish his deeds.
Amazing isn't it?
Who said swords are weapons?
The humans are the weapon.
Sounds pretty cool.
Taken by one of the magicians::
Short post.
Its waaaay past my bed time. Okay, I'm over stressing it, but yea, you get the idea.
Woke up, did maths homework.
I find it amazing that I actually managed to stay away from the comp for whole morning. Its an amazing feat. Really!
I shan't say too much about the movie, other than that I feel the Panda is just like me. Food wise, body wise, and behaviour wise.
Taken by one of the magicians::
Short Tempered.
Feeling very easily irritated right now. I've no idea why, but its just like that. *sigh*
Following the release of Ninja Gaiden II and getting my R4, I've been looking around for things to design my upcoming DS. This includes a Batman, or Spongebob decal, earphones, colour for the DS.
Batman Decal.
If it drops out easily, it wouldn't be that bad. Cos that means I can get a Spongebob one.
Anyway, I also been looking for DOA pictures for potential signature banners, and hopefully something for my Ayane Banner. While searching on ebay for more stuff, I've also found some figurines.
Those that caught my attention were the Kasumi ones(lots of poses) and Ayane ones. Somehow, I can't seem to find any figurines on Hayabusa.
When I get my own room, I want to place all my CD collections, manga collections, and all my toys in a glass cabinet! That would be cool!
That means I need more figurines and CDs though.
At least my birthday is not over, so theres still time for me to dream.
Taken by one of the magicians::
I'm not lying.
I just got my R4 from my cousin, who promised that he'll get it for my birthday. I've got two birthday present already. =D
R4 + 1GB MicroSD
Ninja Gaiden II T-shirt
Now that I got my own r4, I placed my Ninja Gaiden DS and Jump Ultimate Stars into it. I've just started on Jump too. Haven't unlocked any characters yet, only the support types. So far it ain't that cool, but I need to work hard so that I can play with Leon in the future.
SS said that I can't bowl. I'm not saying thats true, but it made me feel like learning how to hook properly. For everything that I do, its easy for me to learn the basics, or the form, easily. So as long as someone go through with me a few times, its easy for my muscles to remember the correct form.
This has led to me getting my black belt for Kihon Dosa in Sports Chanbara(my sword fighting thing). A not-so-bad archery form, even though my shooting still go haywire, and oddly, a bowling ball that actually moves straight. Of course, this only applies if I do not feel tired.
However, if bowling was cheaper, I would play it more often.
And its too slow paced for me. I prefer something more exciting like combat sports. Kayaking is something different. I have no idea why, but I just liked it since I was younger, and it never gets boring. Maybe I've only played for a few times, but its nice. I like moving fast, but not having to do much work for it. I like the feel of wind breezing through my hair, I like watch the water splash as I raced through the waves.
I think thats way cooler.
Still. I should do things that correct way right? I need a bowling teacher...
P.S. Try not to talk about Ninja Gaiden with me now. It hurts my heart.
Taken by one of the magicians::
Playing R kelly's "I believe I can fly" right now. I 've liked that song since I was kid, ever space I watched Space Jam.
Pretty old.
Talking about old songs, reminded me of our dear, somewhat spooky, King of Pop, Michael Jackson. Even though hes in a bad condition right now, you still have to admit that he can dance, and sing, even if its a past thing.
Songs like
Black and White,
Heal the world,
Remember the time,
Too bad(or something like that),
Billie Jean,
Beat it,
This has led to yet, another point. I was eating today when I say the remade version of Beat it, sung by Fall out boy. I can't say that it wasn't good. I like it, actually, but I prefer Michael Jackson's version.
This one is done by Fall Out Boy. It has a heavier music background compared to the orignal one, and the singer, well, has a different type of voice. Even though FOB's voice is not as powerful as MJ's, the music really fills up that part. What I like about this is that they made it somewhat like a parody to Michael Jackson, including his dance moves and stuff. Its nice, but not as nice as MJ's. I still like it anyhow.
I must say that the video and the ending is a little weird though.
The original version. Even though it makes no sense, I prefer this one to FOB. Still, both of them are cool.
*goes on ranting*
Taken by one of the magicians::
I didn't post for quite a couple of days, lol. I was sorta busy, staying over at Chayadi's house. I got too many things to post about, but I'm lazy to type them out, so I'll just leave some points in.
Managed to do sit ups on a slanted plane. Stomach was aching after that. I tired to make Bright man do some situps, but he stopped even before he reached 20.
Pissed Leon off in the Hitmoi < Ayane thing. He challenged me DOA, before I keep on insulting Hitomi. That was one of the best fights I had with him.
Not because I won or wadsoever, its because of the pressure and excitement that I felt. If he used Bayman, I probably won't survive that easily.
Life is pretty boring right now.
Troublesome too.
I shall try not to go out this week. I need to rest and stay at home.
Taken by one of the magicians::