Gear 1, Gear 2, Gear 3 and Gear 4.
I don't believe in Gear 8.
For most of those that I know, everyone is already into Gear 4. Leon was, I think. Ever since the results came out, he slowed to a Gear 3 for a break. Of course, it would't last long till he accelerates again.
I know people that has started on Gear 4 at the start of the year and didn't stop at even once up to now. I'm hoping that their engine is actually a high quality one. Else, it would be hard to run far.
I was at Gear 1 all the way till now.
The devastation I felt for the first few hours for me pushed me to a Gear 3 immediately. I stayed in school to study until 4pm, where we were kicked out of the classroom. Then, I went home, used the computer, and then I continued for a while.
I'm currently hoping that I operate with a high quality engine that can last me until the end of the O levels.
Right now, a High Quality Engine is what I need. Not one from the F1 race cars. Those can make me crash too easily.
If you have no idea what I'm talking about for the above paragraphs, I can make no comment about you, other than a tip to relate them to studies.
Or rather, studying.
"I can stand up no matter how strong the blizzard is. I can fight!" - Hajime no Ippo
Taken by one of the magicians::
I once told a few people this,"When a woman says no, it means a yes. When a woman says yes, it means a yes."
However, several months back, I edited the line. This time, it was,"When a woman says no, it means that she is giving you a chance. When a woman says yes, it means you'd better get it for her. Whatever she wants."
Now, no matter how many times I reflected over that line, it always seemed to be right. Then again, they're weird mammals. Obviously, I am not the first one that have said this, but its kind of scary.
Recently, I've been keeping a notepad of Quotations. I've hit a 30 line mark this time, from different sources. Books, manga, fanfictions, anything with words.
In fact, the lines that I've displayed these days were from my collection.
"I can stand up no matter how strong the blizzard is. I can fight!" - Hajime no ippo
"Because once you care about someone, it’s hard to stop. Feelings aren’t like a light switch you can flip on and off whenever you want to.” - Kunoichis like us, DOA fanfic, by Damon Black
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I managed to dig out my sister's old album. Viva Japanese TV drama.
It's an album with all the Japanese TV drama songs. Of course, those are really old dramas, back when dramas were getting really popular.
It covered songs like,
I believe - Yamaguichi Yuko
La La La love song - Kubota Toshinobu
and some really really cool songs.
I can't be bothered to list all of them. They're in Japanese. It's kind of hard to type out all of them.
It brings back memories man, memories.
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Who needs it anyway?
"Well, truth be told my life was a little empty. But now I have a hobby." - Niles the butler, from Nanny
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Staying silent.
Silence is Golden. I have never the truth of this statement. Especially, when I just took back my results.
Silence is Golden.
"A man is made as he is made. A man can't help how he's made." - The Tawny Man, Fool's Errand, by Robin Hobb
Taken by one of the magicians::
It's kind of sad isn't it?
You watching TV one day, spotting this seemingly superb and ultimate show that you wanted to watch. So, after serious research and looking into the movie, you decided to catch it, absolutely excited about it.
In the end, the movie was really good!
So, for four months, you spent time, catching up, learning all you could, and getting crazy about that show.
And at the end of that four months, you found a comic series of that show! Plus, its not anything common! Its a rare book, and even priced at a rate even more expensive than other comic books! Its definitely above average!
Grabbing a copy of the book, you head to the cashier, and smiling wide, flashing you teeth at everyone nearby. You stand at the cashier, waiting patiently at the queue, reading the synopsis of the book, wondering how it would differ from the movie, etc, etc.
And then, you saw this big red star at the corner of the book. With the big red words, STOP. Not suitable for people under 18.
Life's great isn't it?
At this point of time, what I really wanted to say to the cashier was,"Excuse me, sis, can you buy this for me? I'll pay you."
Taken by one of the magicians::
The Fall of Single Feather...
It was hours ago, but I'm still pretty full. I had a late supper after completing my work for my parents.
Occupation: Arsonists.
It was a long time since I worked, and a longer time since I had Tian Ji Zhou at Geylang. It was kind of sad, but I tasted more chilli than sauce.
Anyway, I was so knocked out after the burning that I had to drink two cans of Green tea at once. Its not a lot, but well... just to give you a figure. It was a sixteen feet long building. I didn't exactly do the hard work though.
I'm the boss' son after all.
A woman always has the last word in any argument.
Anything the man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.
Taken by one of the magicians::
I would very much love to say I am done with my exams for once and for all, but we all know that...
It's Not Over - Daughtry
Here's an interesting shop for you guys.
Its the link to an ice cream shop in Singapore. It's popular due to its exotic flavours and a board where you can vote, and suggest your own ice cream flavours which they will produce once its popular.
I had the Baileys, and the Jackfruit ice cream. Both are pretty good. Taste exactly like the real thing, only far creamier and tastier.
Taken by one of the magicians::
The Dark Side of the Force is all over me now.
"These creatures known as girls, they change depending on what environment they're in! Bring her to some quiet secluded place with very little room, and who knows, she might become daring and bold!"
Taken by one of the magicians::
Not as in violated touched. As in "wow" touched.
Following my sister's recommendation, I started to read this book, known as "for one more day" by Mitch Albom. It's a short book, only about 200 pages. In short, in tells about how, a man, who attempted sucide, picks up his life back again with the help of his dead mom.
Yes, I know I typed "dead" mom. Go read to know more of the details.
It's a tale of a real man that existed, as far as I know of. I'm not sure how much it was edited, or how much of it was false. At least when I read it, everything felt really real.
It's the second book that made the ends of hair stand. The first book was known as the Sword of Truth series, Confessor.
Its the last of book of the series. Considering the fact that I've read quite a number of books in my life, and this book, with 200pgs managed to make the ends of hair stand, whereas the last one was about 6000pgs, is quite an accomplishment.
It's not a bad thing to have the ends of your hair to stand. It only proved to be something that was able to reach out to you, if you know what I mean.
Of course, it's a touching book, about family, and motherly love. The things that his mother has done to help him, the things that all he has did to hurt his mother. How he had messed up his life, and how he had managed to get them back again.
Even though the injury was treated, it still left a scar.
However, I have to say this. Of 100 people that have read the story, how many people has got the message that the author that was trying to portray? How many people, has truly thought of, and learnt the idea of the issues and morals that the author was trying to teach the world? How many people, had reflected over the contents of the book and compared it to their lives?
Not many, I think. And certainly not enough to heal the world.
Everyone always thinks that they have the worst family issues the whole world, but they never know, never understand that everyone has these kinds of problems. In the end, its all how you have settled the problems that define who you are, that affects how you feel.
Does it matter who is fighting in your family? Does it matter, who is hurting your feelings? In the end, it doesn't matter. What matters is what you did to those person that has dealt you harm. If you could live the life like you did and shrugged it off, some times, its like it has never happened.
"But there's a story behind everything. How a picture got on a wall. How a scar got on your face. Sometimes, the stories, are simple, and sometimes, they are hard and heartbreaking. But behind all your stories is always your mother's story, because hers is where yours began.
So this is my mother's story.
And mine." - For one more day, by Mitch Albom
Taken by one of the magicians::
Yet, it is so easily abused.
There are many ways of abusing this fragile little person.
The most common of all, gossip about the secrets told to you. A very simple, common tool which people use, to either harm someone knowing, or unknowingly, or simply because they think that knowing such things makes them more cool.
In this case, depending in the information revealed, the person that trusted, could be in deep shit. Troubles from the teacher, troubles from the partner, or simple despise and anger from your friends, or even, the root to all other problems that may yet surface.
Human minds.
There is also, another kind that is destructive, not to the person that trust, but the person who was confided in.
In this case, the person who trusted abuses the trust in others, and keeps on confiding in that person, and only for that reason. The victim in this case, is the one who was confided. That person, is the one that listened every single time, but no one ever realises, why, he listened. Why, he offers to help and share the burden.
Over time, the person who trusted would forget about him, and those little things that was told to him.
It's surprising, but trust work both ways, and it comes with a package. Trust comes with care. If neither of the two people in the above scenarios cared for the other, the trust they hold would soon rot away by itself, even if it was left there.
I got my first, English Album!
Good Girl Gone Bad by Rihanna. Jared got for me a few days back. I received it today.
This isn't my first album though. My first was the Naruto Movie Soundtrack.
Taken by one of the magicians::
That's my dinner. Good thing it just rained.
This morning, I started to watch this serial called,"岁月风云." I woke up kind of late, so I was just in time to catch the replay for the whole week. Not that I'm interested in the show, or anything like that. I just watched it as I was eating brunch.
Anyway, it was about this kid, which made a hell of money for his father. He wanted to prove himself, obviously, but his victory was a fluke. Still, as the son of a tycoon, tons of people were kissing his ass, and supporting him. They even gave him the "Go" to invest in a condo with the company's money. They trusted him.
But it was a plot. Eventually, the condo crashed, and his father's company along with it. Overnight, those kissing his ass started insulting him, etc. However, he felt guilty. As he should. What he destroyed wasn't the company of his father's, but the lifes of a thousand employees that was in the company. They crashed along with the company. Instantly, they lost trust in him.
He was later transferred to his Uncle's company, after learning a lot of life values from those around him. He started with a lot of great improvements, but no one listened him. Cause he caused the downfall of his father's company. It was a plot, he's not all to be blamed.
I know this is a T.V. show, but it does tell an important thing.
And that is trust.
Trust is something precious and beautiful. It can be trashed in an instant, and it takes a long time to be built up again. It can do wonders for you at times, especially during the times when you need help, or, just need to tell someone your secrets.
But there are people who abuse it, or curse someone just because they don't trust them. A chance is greatly appreciated at times like this.
Its just sad when people lose trust in you. Just... sad man.
"If you take one step ahead of me, I'll make you cry." - Vampire Knight
Taken by one of the magicians::
This few days, when I stay late and mess with the comp, I tend to forget and get lazy to post.
Michael Jackson - She's out of my life
[ 1st Verse ]
She's Out Of My Life
She's Out Of My Life
And I Don't Know Whether
To Laugh Or Cry
I Don't Know Whether To Live Or Die
And It Cuts Like A Knife
She's Out Of My Life
[ 2nd Verse ]
It's Out Of My Hands
It's Out Of My Hands
To Think For Two Years She Was Here
And I Took Her For Granted
I Was So Cavalier
Now The Way That It Stands
She's Out Of My Hands
[ Bridge ]
So I've Learned That
Love's Not Possession
And I've Learned That Love Won't Wait
Now I've Learned That
Love Needs Expression
But I Learned Too Late
[ 3rd Verse ]
She's Out Of My Life
She's Out Of My Life
Damned Indecision And Cursed Pride
Kept My Love For Her
Locked Deep Inside
And It Cuts Like A Knife
She's Out Of My Life
Taken from: mp3lyrics
This is moronic...
Taken by one of the magicians::
I can't be bothered to make a proper post, so I'm posting lyrics.
Purest of Pain by Son by Four.
Sorry didn't mean to call you but I couldn't fight it
I guess I was weak, couldn't even hide it
And so I surrendered, just to hear your voice.
Don't know how many times I said I'm gonna live without you,
And maybe someone else is standing there beside you,
But there's something, baby that you need to know.
That deep inside me, I feel like I'm dying.
I have to see you, it's all that I'm asking.
Baby, give me back my fantasy.
The courage that I need to live,
The air that I breathe.
Living without you, my world's become so empty.
The days are so cold and lonely
And each night I taste the purest of pain.
Ii wish I could tell you I'm feeling better everyday
That it didn't hurt when you walk away,
But tell to you the truth I can't find my way
And deep inside me, I feel like I'm dying.
I have to see you, it's all that I'm asking.
Baby, give me back my fantasy.
The courage that I need to live,
The air that I breathe.
Living without you, my world's become so empty.
The days are so cold and lonely
And each night I taste the purest of pain.
Baby, give me back my fantasy.
The courage that I need to live,
The air that I breathe.
Living without you, my world's become so empty.
The days are so cold and lonely
And each night I taste the purest of pain.
Baby, give me back my fantasy
The courage that I need to live,
The air that I breathe
Living without you, my world's become so empty
The days are so cold and lonely
And each night I taste the purest of pain.
I'm sorry I didn't mean to call you but I couldn't fight it.
I guess I was weak, couldn't even hide it
And so I surrendered just to hear your voice.
Lyrics by: www.lyricsmode.com
Taken by one of the magicians::
The Fall of Single Feather...
Particle Beam Cannon.
That, is what I will use to define the Large Hadron Collider. Being someone that doesn't read the news, I got information on in first hand at the Roleplaying forums which I frequent.
They explained a little to me, followed by Leon, who tried to convince me that it would not destroy the world. Not like I really care.
But if it would, I sincerely hope that it would before the Os.
I'll give you a short summary based on my understanding from wiki.
Just in case, here's the link. Large Hadron Collider.
It is the world's largest machine that is capable of colliding beams of protons charged with high amounts of energy.
Hmph. Iron man rip off.
Its supposed to allow us to observe what happens when atoms or particles collide. I think its called particle physics or something.
Anyway, its said to be able to unleash a black hole, which will end up destroying Earth. If you have no idea what's a black hole, you would at the 21st of October. Else, go search on Wikipedia.
It could also cause what Leon said to be resonace cascade. This means that it will change the world. Like introducing new life forms.
Hence, Zombies will arise on the 21st of October. IF, a black hole isn't appearing. I'm hoping for things like dragons or some mythical creature that does not has humans as part of their food chain. Better yet, they would not need to eat.
Maybe they'll be like Superman, literally absorbing the Sun's energies to survive. Maybe they can live in the Artic so that they can absorb all of the UV rays! Or maybe they'll breathe in carbon dioxide!
Humanoid plants. Go figure.
Whatever appears, I just don't want to be a part of their food chain, and hopefully, they'll be good looking.
So no matter what happens and no matter, what exam paper you're taking on the 21st of October, please stay tune to the windows and the news. So that you'll know if the world will end, or if Zombies did appear.
Three Cheers for the Particle Beam Cannon.
Taken by one of the magicians::
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and Women.
I spent my night on reading, and searching for pictures on Morrigan and Chun Li today.
However, it didn't go very well, in particular for Morrigan. Before I go on ranting about them today, let me give you a small background over them, just so you know who I'm talking about.
Both of them are products of Capcom.
This, is Chun Li(Street Fighter).

The pretty lady who is pretty well known for kicking ass. I mean it. She might be better known from her all famous attack, Lightning Kick. She is the so-called girlfriend of Ryu. Since she is a martial artist that is famous for kicks, her sexy, long, and slender legs are pretty well known too.
The trouble that I've met when searching for her pictures, is the constant overstressing of the size of her legs and ass. I know she is famous for her legs, but still.
Lady number 2 is, Morrigan Aensland. (Darkstalkers)

Pardon for the sexiness of the picture. This is the best one that is not so revealing that I could find. Of course, this was only possible with her BACK facing you. Note what I mean here. She is a demon, otherwise known as a succubus. Please go to wikipedia for more specific information. You just have to know that because of their race, they tend to have extremely... pronouced woman anatomy.
Due to that, I felt like I was browsing through something porno until I got so damn faddup that I gave up.
I would like to make an avatar for the two of them though, and hopefully,
Ryu after that. Both of these are from Street Fighter.
Lastly, I'll end with this.

The other thing Chun Li is kinda famous for.
Taken by one of the magicians::
Kinda full to sleep now.
I didn't exactly eat a lot, but I ate for a long time. ^_^
My brother in law had this idea of digging out the cream in the cream puff, before loading them with ice cream, drizzled with chocolate on top. Seriously man, he's just plain bored.
Anyway, I received the results of a Sports Chanbara competition from him. It was known as "Singapore Polytechnic Open." I think, or something along that lines. My friends just told me that it was SP open.
There are four categories for each age group.
For the under 12 group, we sent in two kids.
Ryoji and Ryota.
Ryoji won four golds, and Ryota won four silvers.
I knew they should join the under 16 group.
For under 16, however, we didn't do that bad as well. Four Springfield students were sent in. They were considerably new students, I guess. Only joined several lessons on our side.
They won 1 gold, and 1 bronze.
I was surprised.
For Open, Rinto, and Victor went in.
Rinto won three golds. Victor got 2 silvers and one bronze. I think. Kind of surprised that he actually lost to Rinto.
I'll see if we have any pictures that we can upload...
Taken by one of the magicians::
The Fall of Single Feather...
I forgot to blog yesterday! Really. I didn't mean it. After turning off the comp, I then realised I didn't blog. But I was too sleepy to anyway.
Now, I am playing through Final Fantasy IV, studying every now and then. Maths papers are always scary things, especially when I reached the "Nirvana" of Prelim 2 actually being harder than Prelim 1.
Sorry la, I'm gullible. I tend to get cheated easily.
I'm going off for dinner soon, and I'll probably be back very late, so I won't have time to post when I come back. Especially so with school tmr.
Monday Blues.

Taken by one of the magicians::
Last day of holidays. Saturday and Sunday doesn't count with obvious reasons. They are free days to begin with.
I feel like I have wasted my holidays doing nothing. I've studied every now and then, but most of my free time is filled with Final Fantasy IV. I've given up on Summon Night: Twin Age. The DS version of this game is very boring, and it doesnt stress as much on making weapons, which is what I like about playing that game.
So, instead, I started on Final Fantasy IV.
Me and my sister went for some grocery shopping today. Without mum, there was absolutely no restrictions on what I can, or cannot buy, so like, we ended up with three hundred dollars worth of stuff.
And among them includes my breakfast for tomorrow.
Or rather, ingredients, for my breakfast tmr.
I need to sleep soon. Shall read through a bit more on Chemistry before I do.
Taken by one of the magicians::
That's how my eyes look like when I woke up this morning. I didn't wake up very early, nor sleep exceptionally late. But it was frigging cold.
I was sleeping over in the condo at my uncle's place in Malaysia. I slept in the study. Due to the weather, we forgo the air-condition, and slept with only a fan. The windows were open, and I slept without a blanket. The orignal plan was to sleep without a shirt. I ended up freeezing.
There was thing I was pretty amazed about.
The monks or whatever their known as could chant at a speed faster than Jay Chou's rap. I mean, MAN, they chant with a rhythm, and its like speeding bullets! My eyes couldn't catch up where the words went with the textbook they provided.
And when they went slow, they were reeeeaalllly slow. They could drag their breaths for periods of time so long that I can't take it anymore. Better yet, they could do it at regular intervals.
Currently, I'm uploading 50 photos on the net, with more to come. I'll show you all my new toy.
Saber. Do note that this one doesn't come from Fate/Stay Night. Its Fate/Hollow Ataraxia
Inside the box.
Inside the cushion thing.
Don't ask me why she eating a burger.
And to finish this off, I'll end it with my wallpaper.
Pure Awesomeness.
"You can never escape me.
Bullets don't harm me.
Nothing harms me.
But I know pain.
I know pain.
And sometimes,
I share them with people like you." --- Batman. Batman: Year One.
Taken by one of the magicians::
That's pretty much what I have been doing all day.
Nothing interesting happened today. I'll be going into Malaysia again tmr, however. I may not have the time to post tmr and possibly the day after. Well, not like I would have anything much to post about.
By the way, I have Marvel Zombies : Dead Days with me right now.
Wanted to borrow Kingdom Come instead, by Leon couldn't seem to it.
I'm going to bed soon.
Taken by one of the magicians::
Teachers Day.
Define teachers. People who simply teach.
They could be the teachers we find in school, friends who teach us about values, parents that teach you about some mumbo jumbo or whatsoever.
That means they exist everywhere, even though we have to admit those that we find in school are the ones that contribute most to the teaching.
Hence, a good day to them all.
There are a few teachers that has played a rather important role in my life.
First, is my old tution teacher, Mr Lim, and his wife, who is better known to me as Ms Leow. I've known them since Primary 2, and hence since watched them get married and have kids. They were in charge of building my basics. Though my results aren't exactly the best now, they're probably the coolest teacher I ever had.
Max, their son is probably in Primary School by now. We used to play together when he was still a baby.
Second, is my brother in law. Only the two of us know how much I've learn from him. I can only imagine what would happen if I never met him and I think it ain't going to be pretty. In fact, I think it would be pretty bad.
So, I wish them all a very nice day and the days to come. Especially Ms Leow. The last time I saw, she seemed to have aged a little.
I got 3208 songs in my database right now. After I clear those that I don't particularly like, I'll add in my English songs.
Best thing is, all of them are from albums, and there are not one single duplication. The details are fully shown. Oh God, I love that.
Taken by one of the magicians::