Sunday, March 27, 2011
The Fall of Single Feather...

Top of my lungs

Recently, after getting my pay, I bought all the 3 Maroon 5 albums. Since then I've been plugging my ear piece into the laptop and listening to their music.

Then again, that what I do with all the new albums I got. Except that this one, I particularly enjoy singing very loudly while listening to them. Interesting, but I do not know why.

There's much more kick into singing to Maroon 5. It's awesome.

Have fun.

Taken by one of the magicians::

Thursday, March 24, 2011
The Fall of Single Feather...


When I was a kid, I believed that nothing was impossible. I seriously thought that so as long as I trained hard enough, I could probably break a concrete wall with one solid punch. I believed that I could lift a plane with my arms. I believed that anything can be done so as long as I put my mind to it.

Of course, eventually, as I got older, I realised that things aren't really that simple. No matter how much I train, the strength of my punches can never compete with a heavyweight. The reach of my arms (which is pretty short) can never increase.

Slowly and slowly I found more things that I could not do. No matter how hard I tried.

I was discovering my limits. Slowly and reluctantly, but for sure, I was learning about the limits of things that I could do.

But seriously. Isn't the entire point to challenge your limits?

Have fun.

Taken by one of the magicians::

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
The Fall of Single Feather...

No Shit.

You should have seen this video by now. If you didn't, shame on you.

It's true.

Have fun.

Taken by one of the magicians::

Monday, March 14, 2011
The Fall of Single Feather...

Turtle Power!


Taken by one of the magicians::

Friday, March 11, 2011
The Fall of Single Feather...

Simply because,

It exists.


Taken by one of the magicians::

Tuesday, March 08, 2011
The Fall of Single Feather...

I think

That sadness, is extremely underrated.

I like feeling sad.

When I feel sad, everything is peaceful and quiet. Mostly because it encourages me to block out everything without feeling guilty.

When I feel sad, I can focus my thoughts. I can think straight, and just focus on one thing for long time. Even if all it does makes me feel a little worse.

When I feel sad, it reminds me of how great it is to be really happy. The most important point I guess.


Taken by one of the magicians::