Sunday, November 27, 2011
The Fall of Single Feather...

With Regards,

Taken by one of the magicians::

Wednesday, November 23, 2011
The Fall of Single Feather...

Well. If you want my opinion, you could have just said "no". Seriously. Its hard, and it might make you look like a fucking asshole, but what's the alternative?

Say, "maybe" and then nothing ever again?

Just as how people need to learn how to say "yes", everyone should know the importance rejection too. A cliffhanger that never has a solution isn't a cliffhanger at all. Its an end of story.

With Regards,

Taken by one of the magicians::

Tuesday, November 22, 2011
The Fall of Single Feather...


As an Intuituve (focus on future) Thinker (thinking - duh) type, I spend most of time thinking up scenarios of my future. Or rather, things that could possibly happen.

For example, getting kidnapped. Witnessing a kidnap. Witnessing a crime. Performing a crime. Acting in performances. Pretending in a situation. The ways that I could die. The ways I would avoid being murdered. The things that would happen if I die. The things that I would do if someone near me dies.

All of this, to kill time, prepare myself mentally for a possible situation and be clear on my Method of Operation.

Its always good to be prepared right?

With Regards,

Taken by one of the magicians::

Saturday, November 12, 2011
The Fall of Single Feather...

Free will,

I believe, is a false concept. According to Piaget, we build new knowledge and form new perceptions based on our previous experiences. Hence, how do we use these new ideas? By basing on our past experiences.

Our experiences come from interaction with the environment. By talking to people, reading books, looking at objects, buildings and natural scenery. All of which, affected directly or indirectly by other people.

Books whose ideas were thought of by the author. Objects which designed in a manner to encourage you to use them in a specific way. People who tell you about their experiences. Teachers who tell you the correct way to do things.

Hence, free will is a false concept. Our decisions are always and will forever be, manipulated by others.

But if we are totally controlled by free will, there would be no way we can make a decision in life. There would be no experiences for us to draw on, simply our imagination and cognitive abilities.

Thus, I say forget about free will. Let people affect, change and manipulate me as much as possible. That way I can learn, and use their knowledge for my own.

With regards,

Taken by one of the magicians::

Saturday, November 05, 2011
The Fall of Single Feather...

Just pondering,

If you had the power to save someone in front of you and you didn't for one reason or another, would that make you a murderer?

Or perhaps make you feel like one?

With Regards,

Taken by one of the magicians::

Friday, November 04, 2011
The Fall of Single Feather...


I was watching glee the other day, when I saw Damian Mcginity, one of the winners on the glee project appearing on the show as a central character.

I could see that he was still inexperienced in terms of his acting skills compared to the other actors and actresses who were obviously more mature in their abilities.

But what really struck me was that his dreams came through. He got what he wanted to achieve.

It's things like this that motivates me to push through. Of course, I do not know about his ultimate wish, but if glee was the means to his objective, he is one step closer to his goal.

With Regards,

Taken by one of the magicians::