Wednesday, February 22, 2012
The Fall of Single Feather...

It's all quite contradicting, really.

If you think about it, money, in this world is actually finite. There is a maximum amount of money that actually exists on the planet. Since this numcannes fixed, for every person who earns, that will be someone who is making a loss. For every increase somewhere, there will be a loss in another place.

For example, on a gambling table, 2 people brings the same amount of money to the table. Let's say, a hundred dollars.

If A earns $10, it also means that B has lost $10.
If A earns $50, it means that B has lost $50 as well.

No matter what happens, when a party earns money, the money has to come from somewhere. Someone has to lose. This is because money is finite. Doesn't this mean that if a country is getting richer, a country would be getting poorer?

Doesnt this mean that if countries stop getting richer, poorer countries would have a better opportunity to get more income for their citizens?

Thus, a country who has an improving economy helps a poor country is actually a contradictory action. It's as if we are depriving others from a source of income to help someone else.

The only way for everyone to benefit, is if money is able to circulate in a very smooth and effective manner. This would allow people to spend what they need and equally earn what they require. Without the excess money in their saviings, no one would be making a loss. Hence, we should only earn what we need.

But wouldn't that deny us from development and improving ourselves? At what cost of others do we take in order to improve our quality of lives?

With Regards,

P.S. I feel as if I'm talking ini circles.

Taken by one of the magicians::

Monday, February 20, 2012
The Fall of Single Feather...

I believe

That in a relationship, as a long as one person has some form romantic feelings for the other person, it is impossible for them to remain as friends. This is because somehow, the person who fell in love will constantly find a reason to believe that they will be together - even after rejection. To quote from the "The Sword of Truth" series, "Passion rules reason."

The only way they could ever be friends again is if, they do end up as a couple or that they has fallen in love with someone else. Only then there could be a chance - only a chance.

With Regards,

Taken by one of the magicians::

Wednesday, February 08, 2012
The Fall of Single Feather...


Wait. WhattheFu--

With Regards,

Taken by one of the magicians::

Sunday, February 05, 2012
The Fall of Single Feather...


I once read somewhere that Leo's never give up. Obviously, I had to reflect and wonder if that is really true. I wouldn't say that the statement is false. But I wouldnt say that it isn't true either. Truthfully, I do give up a lot. It's just that, I either press on because I feel that I have no other choice or that I stop giving up really quickly.

I give up on certain things ally the time. It's just that after a while, I find myself coming back to it again. It's easy for me to see a new ray of hope. It could be a new way of doing things that might seem everything possible again. It might be another opportunity surfacing once again for something. Somehow, one way or another, I just cannot give up.

It's not that I don't want to; it's more l like I can't. Pressing on is almost like an addiction.

Now you might say that it is a good thing. It probably is. But there are times when enough is enough. There are times when you just have to stop and say, "I've got to move on." And this is something that I cannot do.

It makes thing seem like an infinite time loop. Trying and trying Aain, each time hoping that something different wil happen at the end, something different the previous times. And every single time, the same thing happens again. Except for the pain. Which gets worser and worser.

All of this for that one time, where everything is going to become better. Until that one time.

With Regards,

Taken by one of the magicians::

Thursday, February 02, 2012
The Fall of Single Feather...

Every time

At the end of something, I have a tendency to reflect all the things that have happened before it ended. Currently, I have about 7 more days to the end of my tertiary school education. And I had a lot of things to think about.

The people I have met; those that I could actually count as a friend. The things that I have done; some out of necessity, some as fulfilling requests and some out of personal needs and interests. The different experiences that I was exposed to throughout this period; some pretty astonishing, some expected but unbelievable, some that I thought was going to be meaningful and me that actually turned out to be.

But most of all, it was the things that I have learned.

My Primary School Education was the time where I was mostly exposed to the dynamics of the world. My Secondary School Education was when I had the most fun. The most pointless, meaningless, unrestrained epic. My Tertiary School Education was where I developed the most Individal opinions about myself and the world. It was the time where I learned the most.

It was mostly scary, painful, and none of it particularly fun. It was/is a torturous process. But I can't imagine myself a person without it.

At the very least, I never regret it at all. Though sometimes, I do wonder why I have never regretted it.

With Regards,

Taken by one of the magicians::