Sunday, July 29, 2012
The Fall of Single Feather...

So far, it has been about 2 months. 2 months of somethings and 2 months of others.

The 2 months was not easy. It felt slow, boring and long. And sometimes, a little wasted.

But every single time, when I look back into the past and remember all that have happened, everything always seemed to have passed by so quickly.

So for all those who are having a difficult day, remember: "Just as happy times pass by quickly, so do difficult times. No matter what happens, time is always moving."

With Regards,

Taken by one of the magicians::

Saturday, July 14, 2012
The Fall of Single Feather...

Going to the army is very much like going to school.

In secondary school, I only had a single responsibility, "Peform and achieve." Do the best I can, work the best I can and do what is required of me.

It could be rather boring at times, but it was simple and fun as long as the right kind of people are around you.

But this time, after returning home, I realised that I do have other responsibilities. Other things that I have to be there for; other things that I have to do.

Is it true that the older you grow, the more responsibility you'll carry? Or perhaps the older I becom, the more responsibility I'll be aware that I actually have?

With regards,

Taken by one of the magicians::

Sunday, July 01, 2012
The Fall of Single Feather...

They say that people only learn what is important to them when aspects of their lives are taken away.

I have to say that it is true. Going into the army is like being torn away into another life. In some many ways, I have lost many things. At the same time, it made me admire truly what I always had, but never noticed so.

It showed me what is important to me. And the importance of me to or their things.

With Regards,

Taken by one of the magicians::